Open Hours


Open Hours are our online experiment in “small-batch civics.” Dani is a US historian and Craig is a literature professor and culture critic, and together we host online, group discussion forums, where we help people process the political turbulence of our moment. We answer questions about unfolding political events, offer mini-lessons in history and cultural theory, and help people engage in antiracist, antifascist, and pro-democratic practice. Bring us your concerns and questions, and we’ll do our best to help you think through them.

We’ve talked with tons of wonderful people since June of 2020, and there’s no telling who’ll be in the room on a given week. Our attendees are activists, therapists, historians, journalists, podcasters, rabbis, philosophers, politicians, lobbyists, lawyers, speech writers, political scientists, linguists, novelists, artists, actors, producers, photographers, comedians, designers, musicians, teachers, students, administrators, executives, programmers, business owners, life coaches, gamers, comics buffs, old friends, new friends, family members, & even a couple adorable babies.

We currently meet every other Sunday evening from 7:00–9:00 pm Eastern Time.



Sign up with your email address for information on our small, group discussion sessions. We have a sliding price scale so we can provide services to people in a variety of economic situations.

We do not provide therapy, but we do accept referrals from mental healthcare workers. If you are interested in referring clients to us, we’d love to discuss our services with you.